Thursday, 6 September 2007

Who are we? Where are we?

I thought I should let you know a bit about the Clinical Library team. We are Ian, Irene, Mariola and Katrina and in total the four of us have 76 years of library experience! Ian is the Clinical Librarian and has been so for the last 9 years. Irene has worked in this library the longest (14 years) closely followed by Mariola (13 years). I am the new kid on the block having only been at Clin since February this year. During the evening and at the weekend Trevor, Donna, Beth or Jodi will be able to assist you.

We conduct classes to develop skills to effectively search for information across many platforms including electronic resources, such as databases, evidence based medical resources and the Internet.

If you need help locating a document or navigating your way through an assignment question we have plenty of experience to draw on to assist you.

Our library is available for use by UTAS staff and students, RHH staff including doctors, nurses and allied health professionals and students from other universities within the Libraries Australia Group.

The Albert Baikie Clinical Library is situated on the Ground Floor of the UTAS Clinical School in Collins Street. We are open Monday -Thursday 8.30am - 8pm, Friday 8.30am - 6pm and Saturday and Sunday 1 - 5pm.

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